
Fad Food Diets

Fad food diets are thought of as diets that become popular quickly and often become unpopular just as fast. Some people think they are poor ...
Posted by | 18.04

How to Lose Weight Incredibly Fast

Weight control can be tricky and expensive. The best solution to shedding extra pounds can take time, but not always. There are many methods...
Posted by | 11.46

Olive Oil and Lemon Juice Detox

Some people believe that natural detox diets can help the body release toxins blamed for fatigue, headaches, nausea and a multitude of chron...
Posted by | 13.54

How to Find Gluten Free Restaurants

Gluten-free eating is quickly becoming more accessible to people around the world due to increased publicity and cookbooks on the topic, as ...
Posted by | 10.21

Fast Effective Weight Loss for Women

Effective weight loss means taking unwanted pounds off permanently, perhaps after a pregnancy or during menopause. If you are hoping for fas...
Posted by | 07.43

Good Diets on Creatine

When spending your hard-earned money on diet and nutritional supplements such as creatine, you will naturally want to ensure that you are op...
Posted by | 21.15

Gluten Free Restaurants in Bar Harbor, Maine

Being on a gluten-free diet used to be a challenge, but now---thanks to the more widespread knowledge of the wheat allergen---it's becom...
Posted by | 19.32

What Do Miniature Donkeys Eat?

Miniature donkeys are related to horses, but their diet should be lower in protein. They need more roughage and will nibble on bushes and ev...
Posted by | 12.16

Pinto Beans in Low Carb Diets

Pinto beans are a healthy choice for nearly any diet. Pinto beans are low in sodium and contain high amounts of protein, vitamin C, calcium ...
Posted by | 03.34

How to Lose Weight with the 5 Day Diet

The 5 day diet, otherwise known as the 5 day miracle diet, is a diet that is designed to help individuals lose weight quickly. By focusing ...
Posted by | 19.46

Causes of a Man Losing Weight Too Fast

Diagnosis Weight loss occurs when the body does not absorb as many calories as it uses. Rapid unintentional weight loss in men may be...
Posted by | 01.48

The Most Effective Weight Loss Pills for Women

Many women struggle with losing weight and are continually searching for the next "big" thing in weight loss. Weight loss pills g...
Posted by | 13.43

What Carbs Not to Eat While Dieting

Carbohydrates are an important part of the daily diet. They are one of the three macronutrients, the other two being fats and proteins. That...
Posted by | 05.51

Limited Diet for High Functioning Autism

Autism is a complex neurological disorder that is characterized by communication difficulties, poor social development and repetitive patter...
Posted by | 19.31

Gluten-Free Mexican Foods

Gluten-Free Mexican Foods

About Zone Diet Home Delivery

The Zone Diet home delivery system is a convenient way of staying on the Zone Diet without having to measure and dispense your own food. Yo...
Posted by | 17.28

Diet Frozen Foods

According to Laurie Beebe, a registered dietitian and weight loss coach, the frozen food diet is a proven weight-loss technique. In normal ...
Posted by | 13.16

How to Develop a Workout & Diet Plan

How to Develop a Workout & Diet Plan

Low Carb High Protein Breakfast Foods

Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast gives the body calories and nutrients for energy. Studies ha...
Posted by | 23.39

Diabetic & Celiac Menu Planning

A type 1 diabetes diagnosis can present numerous diet challenges. However, having both diabetes and celiac disease can turn eating into a da...
Posted by | 21.38

How to Lose Weight (But Not Muscle) Quickly

The best way to lose weight---a combination of a healthy, low-fat diet and regular exercise---is guaranteed to take off the pounds. But it t...
Posted by | 19.14

How to Use Olive Oil to Promote Weight Loss

Olive oil has a long list of associated health benefits. It's well known for reducing cholesterol levels and protecting against heart di...
Posted by | 12.29

The Effects of Too Much Protein in the Diet

For years carbohydrates have received a bad rap, steering dieters toward high protein diets. When dieters first increase their protein and e...
Posted by | 23.48

Weight Training Routines for Weight Loss

When most people think of fitness, weight training might be one of the first things that comes to mind, after a treadmill. The health benefi...
Posted by | 15.19

The Best Weight Loss Medicine

With so many supplements and weight loss medications on the market, many dieters aren't sure which are safe and effective. According to ...
Posted by | 09.00

Vegetarian Diets for Weight Loss

Beginning a vegetarian diet is good for the body in many ways, and with some strategic planning, it can also lead to weight loss. Read on fo...
Posted by | 02.30

Pediatric Celiac Disease Symptoms

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that renders a person intolerant of gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. When...
Posted by | 19.08

Carb Deletion Diets

Diets that delete carbs are common and well known for jump starting weight loss. Most low or reduced carb diets are based on similar princip...
Posted by | 18.45

Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Weight Loss

Vitamin B12 is an important water-soluble vitamin that is commonly present in foods such as fish, beef liver, salmon, meat, cheese, milk, eg...
Posted by | 13.09

Western Diet Culture

All countries have different cultural norms and values. In recent decades a diet culture has emerged in the West, where children and adults ...
Posted by | 12.29

Wheat-free Diet for Kids

Wheat-free diets are a frequently sought-after item in the field of diet and exercise. Whether your children are allergic or you would rath...
Posted by | 11.58

How Fast Will I Lose Weight on a Elliptical Machine?

An elliptical machine can tone the lower body, enhance cardiovascular health and strengthen muscles. It is a great addition to a well-rounde...
Posted by | 10.24

How to Eat Wheat Free

According to the Mayo Clinic, a wheat allergy is a negative reaction to the proteins that are found in wheat. A wheat allergy differs from a...
Posted by | 08.12

How to Set Weight Loss Goals

Setting realistic goals - including weight, exercise, food and psychological goals - before you begin a weight loss plan is essential to a s...
Posted by | 23.45

How to Lose Weight Quickly After a VBG

Vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG) is weight-loss surgery that involves reducing the size of the stomach to help individuals lose weight qui...
Posted by | 22.04