Losing 20 pounds in two weeks is an incredible feat that takes drive and will power. For many people, especially those who are not obese, losing 20 pounds in such a short period of time will be impossible. However, for people who have a lot to lose, this drastic weight loss goal can be accomplished.
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Stick to a fast weight loss diet like the South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet or Four Hour Body Diet for two weeks. The South Beach Diet requires that you cut fruit, bread, potatoes, pasta and rice, as well as starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn, carrots and beets out of your diet. Keep dairy to a minimum, and any dairy you eat should be low fat. Avoid high-fat protein like liver or beef brisket. Lean proteins, vegetables and nuts make up the bulk of what you eat. Atkins is similar in that you avoid starch and fruit, but it allows you to eat fatty meats and cheeses. With the Four Hour Body Diet, you to cut fruit and starch, as well as dairy, although you are allowed to eat low-fat plain yogurt. All three diet plans recommend you eat soon after waking up and consume meals and snacks frequently, rather than eating one big meal per day.
2Work out doing cardiovascular exercise for three-plus hours a week. You need to burn 3,500 calories to lose a pound, so the more and longer you exercise, the more weight you will lose. While weight training is important for health, cardio like running, biking, swimming, cross-country skiing and stair climbing will help you lose weight quickly. Keep workouts intense, meaning you are breathing heavily and sweating, and if possible, do more than one in a day to keep your metabolism up. You could do a 30-minute jog in the morning and then a 30-minute bike ride before dinner.
3Drink water and avoid salt. Water cleans the body of toxins and allows your organs, like the liver and kidneys, to work properly. This keeps your metabolism moving and burning calories. Salt causes the body to retain water in the skin and other organs, which causes weight gain. Processed foods contain a high amount of salt and, if eaten frequently, will cause you to hold more water weight.
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