
How High-Protein Diets Damage the Kidneys

Many people are currently using high-protein diets, such as the Atkins diet, to lose weight quickly. Although some doctors and nutritionists...
Posted by | 07.58

Food for Healthy Blood Vessels

Healthy blood vessels are important so the heart does not need to work as hard to pump blood. Flexible and elastic blood vessels keep the ri...
Posted by | 19.23

Low Carb Diet Plans to Lose Weight Fast

Low-carbohydrate diet plans are effective for allowing dieters to shed weight quickly, but the restrictiveness of wholly eliminating carbs q...
Posted by | 03.44

What to Eat On a Carb-Free Diet

For many, the thought of starting a low-carb or carb-free diet is borderline torture, relinquishing all of their favorite comfort foods---li...
Posted by | 23.20

How to Lose Weight Without Exercise and Dieting

Most of us wish we did not have those extra pounds of flesh at places that we do. While exercising and dieting certainly help in reducing th...
Posted by | 20.35

How to Cook Low-Carb Meals

Cooking and eating with low-carbohydrate foods helps the body maintain weight and energy by eating fewer amounts of carbohydrate rich foods....
Posted by | 20.30

How to Lose 2 Pounds in 1 Day

Losing a little weight in a pinch can make a big difference when trying to squeeze into that sexy dress or perfect pair of jeans. But if you...
Posted by | 02.43

How to Lose Seven Pounds Safely & Quickly

Finding a safe way to lose weight quickly isn't easy. According to the Mayo Clinic, losing weight at a relatively slow pace has proved s...
Posted by | 19.40

Free Ways to Lose Weight

Weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you take in. You can achieve your weight-loss goals by making changes to your diet and e...
Posted by | 23.50

How to Lose 27 Pounds in 30 Days on Dr Oz's Miracle Diet

Losing weight following the Dr Oz miracle diet can be a good way to shed those extra pounds. We all know that losing weight is not easy to d...
Posted by | 23.50

What Causes Weight Loss in Dogs?

Weight loss occurs when your dog's body uses or expels more calories than he is eating or absorbing. Your dog may lose weight for any nu...
Posted by | 14.50

Vegan Cleanse

The 21-day vegan cleanse is the new fad diet created by Kathy Freston and featured in her new book "Quantum Wellness". The diet--...
Posted by | 23.18

How to Make Vegan, Wheat-free, Sugar-free Granola

Homemade granola is a flavorful and healthy snack. However, much of the granola available on the shelves is anything but. Often riddled with...
Posted by | 16.45

Will You Lose Weight Faster Watching Calories or Fats?

With all the diets available today, it is hard to know which one is better. Some claim that as long as you watch your carbs, you will lose w...
Posted by | 17.02

Wheat Free Baking

Wheat-free or gluten-free diets tend to incorporate fewer overall calories, more dietary fiber and less simple sugar than high-starch diets,...
Posted by | 08.03

How to Detox from Carbs

Though it has been given quite a bad rap as a fad diet and a dangerous way to purge, detoxing can be a useful way to give your body a break ...
Posted by | 01.09

The Best Summer Diets

The summer brings lighter meals, like salads and less carbohydrate-laden stodge, which in itself is great for losing a few pounds. But how ...
Posted by | 17.04

Diet for Thyroid Patients

For thyroid patients, paying attention to diet matters for two reasons. First, because the thyroid controls metabolism, diet is important in...
Posted by | 04.51

Diet Menu for a Child

Diet menus for a child should never be overly restricted and should always include healthy options from the five food groups. Children need ...
Posted by | 04.29

FDA-Approved Weight Loss Drugs

While many supplements and weight loss aids claim to be able to help people lose weight, the Food and Drug Administration is strict in its s...
Posted by | 22.45

How to eat a Reactive Hypoglycemia Diet

Reactive hypoglycemia is a condition that requires a special diet in order to prevent a blood-sugar rollercoaster effect. Individuals suffer...
Posted by | 18.08

Can Dieting Cause Irregular Periods?

Irregular menstrual cycles can be caused by a number of factors. Pregnancy, stress, smoking, drug use, various diseases and disorders, hormo...
Posted by | 11.26

Types of Gluten Exposures

As of 2008, doctors diagnosed close to 100,000 Americans with celiac disease. Celiac disease is intolerance to gluten products found in nume...
Posted by | 22.15

How to Find a Gluten Free Multivitamin

When you live a lifestyle that is gluten-free, you quickly learn that you have to research everything that goes into your mouth. From tooth...
Posted by | 23.29

Diet for Adrenal Glands

Located on the kidneys, the adrenal glands perform an important role in our body's ability to properly deal with stress. They stabilize ...
Posted by | 18.49

How to Calculate Net Effective Carbs

Net effective carbohydrates are the carbohydrates that can be fully absorbed by your body. Certain substances like fiber and sugar alcohols ...
Posted by | 16.28

How to Lose Weight Fast in 2 Days

Losing weight is a goal of many men and women all across the world today. To achieve this goal is no small accomplishment, and if you can do...
Posted by | 08.09

Are Low Carb Diets Good for Diabetics?

Living with diabetes is a constant challenge, which is made more difficult by the often contradictory advice one receives for living with th...
Posted by | 03.13

How to Make Low-Carb Lasagna

Lasagna is one of the best comfort foods, but a traditional recipe is often loaded with carbs. Between the sauce and the noodles, many peop...
Posted by | 14.42

Spanish Foods Found in the United States

Some Americans may confuse Spanish food with Mexican, but the cuisine of Spain is distinctly different from that of our southern neighbor. U...
Posted by | 14.42

Weight Loss Programs That Really Work

Losing weight can be a huge challenge. Most people don't even realize the weight is creeping up on them until it is too late, and then s...
Posted by | 03.35

Wheat Free Diet for Weight Loss

The concept of a wheat-free diet and weight loss go together like peanut butter and jelly. In fact, with the recent emphasis on low-carb nut...
Posted by | 23.11

Most Effective Weight Loss Eating Plans

An effective weight loss plan takes into account the quality of food you're eating, the timing of your meals and snacks, and the quantit...
Posted by | 08.12

How to Make Wheat-Free Bread

Many people, including those diagnosed with celiac disease, are unable to eat gluten and so must eliminate wheat from their diet. If you'...
Posted by | 01.26

How to Reduce Belly Fat and Tighten Loose Skin

If you're struggling with a spare tire around your middle, it's probably important for you to reduce belly fat and tighten loose sk...
Posted by | 01.22

Biochemistry of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet

For quite a while now, the popularity of low-carb diets has escalated. Most restaurants offer low-carb options and supermarket shelves conta...
Posted by | 01.09