Weight loss coverage is something that wasn't included in insurance plans until recent years. In 2004, Medicare expanded its coverage to include weight loss interventions. Learning about weight loss coverage research, obesity statistics, Medicare weight loss coverage, and private insurance weight loss coverage will help you understand the different coverage options that exist today.
According to a study published in the journal "Obesity," a hypothetical increase in insurance coverage from 10 to 100 percent resulted in an increase of 300 percent of women and 700 percent of men reporting they would be "very interested" in starting a weight management program within the next 30 days. The majority of participants in the study were in favor of an insurance-sponsored monetary incentive program associated with weight loss, and 41 percent of participants believed a program like this would motivate them to lose weight.
Weight Loss and Obesity Statistics
Obesity has reached epidemic status in recent years and is leading many more people to look into weight loss coverage options. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese. These conditions are becoming increasingly prevalent among children as well. Of kids ages 12 to 19, 18 percent are overweight; 15 percent of kids ages 6 to 11 are overweight and 11 percent of kids ages 2 to 5.
Medicare Weight Loss Coverage
Medicare may help cover some weight loss services and expenses, such as when weight loss is a necessary component in treating diseases such as hypothyroidism, Cushing's disease, hypothalamic lesions, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, diabetes and hypertension. Also, Medicare may provide weight loss coverage when weight loss is necessary before a surgical procedure.
To qualify for Medicare weight loss coverage, your physician needs to write a prescription for the weight loss services and document it in your medical records.
What Medicare Covers
Medicare will cover 80 percent of the approved amount for the following weight loss expenses: an initial assessment of your eating and exercise activities; counseling on your diet and exercise habits; education on improving your diet and lifestyle changes that may help you lose weight and improve your health and follow-up visits to help monitor the progress in your diet and weight loss plan.
Private Insurance Weight Loss Coverage
The increasing costs of obesity have led many private insurance providers to begin offering weight loss coverage. There are many different rules and restrictions based on your individual plan and/or state, so it's best to check with your personal insurance provider to determine if it does, in fact, offer weight loss coverage options.
Finding a Provider
The best way to find a provider is to speak to your physician(s) and ask for advice about locating a provider that offers weight loss coverage. Physicians have the necessary knowledge and relationships with providers to help you find the right provider.
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