
Senin, 17 November 2014

Diet for Adrenal Glands

Located on the kidneys, the adrenal glands perform an important role in our body's ability to properly deal with stress. They stabilize blood sugar, normalize and maintain healthy blood-pressure levels, keep our immune system strong and healthy and help regulate inflammatory responses within the body. Those suffering from adrenal fatigue often experience lightheadedness, tiredness, migraines, nervousness or trembling, low blood pressure and a host of other unpleasant symptoms. Although stress is the No. 1 cause of depleting adrenal stores, a balanced and healthy diet will go far to help ensure your adrenal glands are properly supported.

Diet & Nutrition

    Whole, unprocessed foods such as vegetables, lean organic meats, nuts, beans and foods high in fiber are an excellent support network for your adrenal glands. Look for gluten-free grains (especially sprouted whole-grain breads and cereals) that are free from chemicals and preservatives. Those suffering from adrenal fatigue should also avoid white flours, fruits and other sugary items, as these can adversely affect glucose levels.

    Meals and snacks should be eaten regularly throughout the day instead of spread out between long gaps in time, as this will also help stabilize blood sugar and put less stress on your adrenals It is recommended to eat breakfast by 8 a.m. (or an hour after waking) to restore glucose levels and help support your body's natural rhythms. Lunch should follow between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m., with nutritious snacking recommended for the 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. time slot. Dinner should be consumed early, by 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. if possible, and should also be the lightest meal you consume throughout the day.


    Drinks that help support the adrenal glands are herbal teas such as passionflower, valerian and chamomile, and vegetable juices with salt, such as V-8. Avoid beverages that are alcoholic or contain caffeine, in addition to carbonated beverages, even the diet ones.

Herbs & Supplements

    There are a number of vital minerals that help relieve stress on the adrenals, such as magnesium, calcium and zinc. Often those with adrenal fatigue are depleted of these minerals, which can cause poor digestion and interfere with the body's ability to assimilate other nutrients. Other important vitamins are C, E, B6 and B-complex.

    Pantothenic acid (100 mg a day) is an important supplement to include when trying to rebuild the adrenals, as a deficiency could cause adrenal atrophy. Iodine, potassium, selenium, chromium and iron may also help those suffering from adrenal fatigue.

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