
Sabtu, 22 November 2014

How to Detox from Carbs

Though it has been given quite a bad rap as a fad diet and a dangerous way to purge, detoxing can be a useful way to give your body a break from all the toxic and unhealthy substances and foods that one normally takes in. Detoxing has been known to fix digestive disorders, improve the skin and boost one's energy. One of the most popular of these detoxes is the 5-day carb detox.



    Go shopping for groceries for 5 days. Only purchase organic foods. No other types of foods will do. Look for low-carb foods and high-protein foods, such as apples, oranges, grapes, carrots, peas, nuts and lean meats. You'll also need organic juices. All natural vegetable and fruit juices are best. No processed sugars.


    Avoid foods with carbs, fried foods and unhealthy foods. These foods are what you're trying to rid your body and digestive system of. Foods high in carbs include potatoes, pasta, bread, wheat and bran products.


    Pick one of your healthy foods for breakfast. Eat all you want of that food, until you feel full, but do not binge. One food does not mean fruit in general. It needs to be one fruit. Drink at least 8 ounces of water with it.


    Pick a juice for a snack. Drink 16 to 24 ounces of juice as a snack between meals. The healthy foods are to replace the toxins in your body. The juice is to flush those toxins out. Drink only one type, and do not drink more than 24 ounces.


    Eat one other healthy food for lunch. Try some melon or carrots. Again, eat as much of the food as you need to to feel full, and drink at least 8 ounces of water.


    Pick one of your healthy, organic foods for dinner. Try one of your lean meats. Make sure the meat was fresh to avoid any preservatives that might be in there. The same rules apply: Eat until you're full, and drink plenty of water.


    Repeat Steps 3 through 7 every day for 4 more days. Switch up the snacks (juice for solids) and meals to keep from getting bored. Variety is key.

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