
Senin, 05 Mei 2014

Reasons to Try a Gluten-Free Diet

Reasons to Try a Gluten-Free Diet

Gluten is the name for a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats. This substance is the "glue" that holds breads together. Many foods in restaurants and grocery stores can contain gluten despite not being an obvious source such as soy sauce, ice cream, pickles, barbecue sauces, frozen dinners and tofu. There are a variety of reasons why you should try a gluten-free diet, including those related to disease and allergies.

Celiac Disease

    People with celiac disease cannot eat any type of gluten or wheat because their bodies cannot absorb and digest the wheat protein correctly, which can damage their small intestines. This results in nutritional malabsorption. People with the disease are forced to go on a gluten-free diet to avoid discomfort. Symptoms of gluten's effects in those with celiac disease include chronic diarrhea, abdominal bloating and pain, vomiting and weight loss.

Wheat Allergies

    Wheat can cause an allergic reaction within your body, producing adverse reactions. Symptoms include simple hives to nausea, abdominal cramps and asthma-like conditions. Most children with the wheat allergy will outgrow it, but individuals who obtain the allergy later in life most likely will keep it.

Leaky Gut Syndrome

    Leaky gut syndrome is largely caused by a food allergy or a sensitivity issue. In this syndrome, the small intestine's lining becomes inflamed, allowing waste and toxins to enter your bloodstream, causing adverse reactions such as bloating, flatulence, liver inflammation and toxic hepatitis. The most common food allergy or sensitivity that cause this phenomena are dairy products and wheat products. Eating a gluten-free diet can help improve leaky gut syndrome.

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