
Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

Japanese Okinawa Diet

The Okinawa Diet program is based on the eating principals and healthy lifestyle of Okinawans. Okinawans live on the Japanese islands of Ryukyu and have been deemed to have the longest life expectancy of all people in the world. Researchers have been investigating the diet and lifestyle of Okinawans for several decades and have created an Okinawa Diet program based on the same diet that Okinawans have been following for centuries.


    According to, the diet of the Okinawans contains 300 percent green or yellow vegetables and is 20 percent lower in calories than the typical Japanese diet. This diet program is also free of red meat, eggs and dairy products.

    The commercial version of the Okinawan diet is now available in the form of a diet book called "The Okinawa Diet Plan: Get Leaner, Live Longer, and Never Feel Hungry." Other books by the same authors that outline the principals of the diet include "The Okinawa Program" and "the Okinawa Way."

Key Principals reports that the Okinawan approach to eating requires paying attention to hunger and making sure to eat only until one feels 80 percent full. Individuals following this type of eating regimen may eat more healthful foods only if they feel hungry about 20 minutes after their meal.

    Key principals of this diet program, as defined by the Okinawa Diet official site, include decreasing caloric intake by reducing the caloric density of each portion, increasing energy expenditure by burning more calories with aerobic exercise, consuming heart-healthy fats on a regular basis, focusing on eating natural, unprocessed carbohydrates, eating certain types of plant and lean animal proteins, eating high-fiber foods and drinking black or green tea, and water throughout the day.

Food Groups

    The Japanese Okinawa Diet divides foods into four groups based on their caloric density. Foods are referenced as featherweight, lightweight, middleweight and heavyweight. Since the goal of this diet plan is to reduce caloric intake as much as possible while still maintaining good health, individuals following the Japanese Okinawa Diet program should eat most of their foods from the featherweight and lightweight categories.

    Featherweight foods contain less than or equal to 0.7 calories per gram. Lightweight foods contain 0.8 to 1.5 calories per gram. Middleweight foods have a calorie density of 1.6 to 3.0 calories per gram. Heavyweight foods contain 3 to 9 calories per gram and should be eaten in moderation, according to

Recommended Foods

    The Okinawa Diet book's website at recommends eating the following types of foods: vegetables and fruits in their natural state, whole grains, unprocessed foods, foods high in monounsaturated fat such as olive oil and certain types of nuts, leafy green vegetables, lentils, jasmine and oolong tea without added sugars and purified water.

    The Okinawa Diet food pyramid is based on the caloric density of different foods. Featherweight foods include water-based vegetable soup, broccoli, green peas, fat-free yogurt and tofu. Lightweight foods include white flaky fish, cooked grains, cooked beans and sushi. Middleweight foods include red fatty fish, soy cheese, raisins and hummus. Heavyweight foods include graham crackers, full fat cheddar cheese and smooth peanut butter.

Weight Loss Benefits

    According to, the Okinawa Diet Plan can help people who want to lose unwanted body fat, and is neither a low-carb nor a low-fat diet, because dieters are encouraged to eat healthy carbohydrates and healthy fats on a regular basis. Dr. Andrew Weil, Clinical Professor and Director of the Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, reports that The Okinawa Plan can help reduce the risk of certain weight-related diseases and help people keep weight off without feeling deprived.

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