
Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

Rapid Weight Loss for Women

Everyone wants to lose weight. Unfortunately, what is considered to be the healthiest speed to lose weight may not be what some women have in mind. Rapid weight loss should not exceed a healthy amount or there is a health risk and the results will not be long lasting or permanent.

Healthy Diet for Weight Loss

    The best way to lose weight for women is to eat a well balanced and healthy diet. This should consist of fruits, vegetables, fiber, lean proteins, carbohydrates and a small amount of good fat. A fad diet may promise a quicker weight loss, but it is never a lasting result. The healthiest diet for women is one that allows them to lose 1 to 2 lbs. per week of weight. This may not seem like a large amount, but losing 2 lbs. per week will quickly add up to some serious weight loss.

Plan the Diet

    A successful diet is one that is well thought out and planned in advance.The planning stage of a diet is often the most difficult. When you are just starting out on a diet, it is important to plan out each meal and snack during the course of a day. It is best to plan out a week in advance so that you always know what you should be eating during the week. The work week can get pretty hectic and if you already have your meals planned out, you will not have to struggle to come up with a healthy and well balanced meal.

    Snacks are an important part of your diet. It is never a good idea to plan a diet that does not include mid morning and mid afternoon snacks. You can beat hunger between meals by planning on a healthy snack of fruit, vegetables or other low-fat choice. Sugar-free Jell-O is a good choice for a between meal snack and it only has five calories per serving.


    Exercise will certainly speed up the weight loss when it is used in conjunction with a healthy diet. A good health plan for losing weight should include regular exercise every day.Those who are new to exercise can begin with walking and gradually work up to more strenuous activities. The bottom line on exercise is that it should be enjoyable.When the exercises that you do everyday are something that you actually look forward to, you will be more likely to keep up with it.


    A fabulous incentive for losing weight is little rewards that you give yourself along the way for reaching goals. Break your goals up into manageable steps and plan on a little treat when you reach it. Get your nails done or buy a special piece of jewelry or shoes. The actual reward does not matter as long as it is something that provides you with an incentive. Try not to make your rewards food items. Many people do this and it can have the effect of derailing diet plans.

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