Hyperactivity has become increasingly more common in America, but there are many natural ways to alleviate hyperactivity in children. One such method is to alter the diet of a child suffering from hyperactivity. Certain modifications can strongly alter how well a child can focus and maintain control of his behaviors.
Avoiding Toxins
Toxins can be found in many foods that are processed or packaged, and can include artificial additives like preservatives, fillers, artificial sugars and fats, and artificial coloring. Children who eat artificial coloring display more hyperactive and distractive behaviors (See References). If you want to reduce hyperactive behavior in your child, eliminate food toxins from her diet. Always read food labels, and avoid foods that contain toxins.
Increasing Oils
Certain oils have been shown to be helpful in reducing hyperactive behaviors, and the ones that has been most effective in studies have been oils containing the omega fatty acids (See References). Omega fatty acids can be found in flaxseed oil, cod liver oil and hemp seed oil. You can add these oils to juice, or they can be taken in capsule form or directly. To help children take oils as a dietary treatment, it may be easier to add the oils to a smoothie, which can disguise the taste of the oil.
Avoiding Allergens
Sometimes, hyperactivity can be worse when a child is exposed repeatedly to foods that he is allergic to. Allergies can present themselves through the appearance of a runny nose or itchy skin, but it can also present itself as behavioral changes, such as hyperactivity. An easy way to know which foods your child may be allergic to is to have an allergy specialist give your child a food allergy screening. You can also remove foods that you think may be contributing to your child's hyperactivity and see if the behaviors improve.
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