
Foods for Diabetics: Leptin Diet

Leptin is a hormone believed to help regulate metabolism, hunger, satiety and storage of body fat. Studies with mice revealed it also plays ...
Posted by | 12.29

How to Lose Weight Fast in the 4 Months Before Summer

After the holidays and a season of cold weather and big sweaters, it's spring and time to get in shape for swimsuit season. June will a...
Posted by | 00.03

How to Compare Diet Shakes

Diet shakes are convenient beverages that offer protein, carbohydrates and fat. WebMD calls diet shakes "the most proven weight loss su...
Posted by | 22.53

Weight Loss Clothes

When you are losing weight, finding the right clothes can be challenging. This is especially true for patients who have had bariatric surger...
Posted by | 21.40

How to Be on Your Way to Losing Weight Fast and Naturally

Do you want to lose weight but do not know where to begin? Here are some suggestions to taking some of those pounds off. Instructions ...
Posted by | 19.31

How to Eat and Lose Weight

Most people think that in order to lose weight, you have to severely restrict your diet. This is false. If you want to lose weight and keep ...
Posted by | 05.27

How to Lose Weight in the Midsection

Many people carry extra weight in their midsections. While excess weight anywhere on the body can lead to various health issues, it is parti...
Posted by | 00.50

The Best Healthy Foods for Weight Loss

When trying to lose weight, diet is one of the most important aspects. While you don't always have to strictly limit the foods that you ...
Posted by | 00.07

The Best Weight Loss Supplements for Men

When choosing a weight loss supplement, it is imperative for men to understand that supplements, while healthy and helpful, are not a total ...
Posted by | 23.56

1500 Calorie Diet Meal Plans

When it comes to losing weight, the magic number is 1,500--1,500 calories as a daily target for your dietary intake. While to some of us us...
Posted by | 12.16

Budget Mediterranean Cruises

Mediterranean cruises are often expensive and filled with many hidden costs. Choosing the right cruise line and cabin as well as selecting a...
Posted by | 08.59

How to Lose Weight Quickly on Atkins

In 1972, Dr. Robert Coleman Atkins unveiled a nutritional plan he called the "Atkins Diet," which emphasizes cutting carbohydrate ...
Posted by | 07.43

Gluten-Free Spices

Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat, wheat-related spices and foods processed in wheat or wheat flour. If you have a gluten intoleran...
Posted by | 02.09

How to Drop Water Weight Fast

Many conditions cause our bodies to hold on to extra water. While some of these can be serious, such as heart or kidney problems, others can...
Posted by | 00.03

How Can I Lose Weight Fast---and Free?

The market today is glutted with diet pills, diet foods, fitness equipment and weight-loss programs. These all cost money. Is it possible to...
Posted by | 20.13

How to Grocery Shop With Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an intolerance to anything with wheat, rye or barley. When first diagnosed with Celiac disease it can be hard to know what...
Posted by | 15.50

How to Lose Fat on the Keto Diet

If you're tired of diets that keep you constantly hungry and sluggish, or diets that consist of such bland foods that you dream about ha...
Posted by | 04.13

Gluten & Casein Free Diet for ADHD Children

Many parents of children with ADHD and autism have turned to a casein- and gluten-free diet to help improve their child's condition. The...
Posted by | 21.38

Weight Loss & Laxatives

The general use for laxatives is relieving and preventing constipations. It softens stool, enabling you to have a bowel movement. Laxative t...
Posted by | 20.46

Gluten-Free Restaurant Menu Ideas

Those with gluten allergies have celiac disease, meaning their bodies cannot properly digest gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, ...
Posted by | 09.03

How to Transition to Dr. Oz's You on a Diet

If you've decided to improve your health and lose some inches off your waist, you may have looked into Dr. Oz's You on a Diet. Dr. ...
Posted by | 07.21

Sudden Weight Loss in Cancer

As one of the few major diseases left that medical science has been unable to conquer, cancer poses one of the largest threats to your longe...
Posted by | 03.49

Fatigue & Weight Loss

The symptoms of fatigue and weight loss in combination can indicate several diseases or problems. While weight loss through dieting can lead...
Posted by | 20.46

How to Create a Meal Plan to Lose Weight

You've decided you want to lose weight and get healthy. But it seems like you're always running out of time and grabbing something o...
Posted by | 20.40

Multicultural Vegetarian Foods

The traditional Western diet has been heavily criticized in recent years due to its focus on animal-based food products that are high in sat...
Posted by | 18.04

How to Trace Ancestry From the Mediterranean

Tracing Mediterranean ancestry can take you to three continents; Europe, Asia and Africa. Immigration from Eastern Europe countries such as ...
Posted by | 08.04

Vegan Weight Loss Diet Plan

Many people believe that vegans are skin-and-bones due to their animal-free diet. Unfortunately, vegans, just like everyone else, have to wa...
Posted by | 23.45

How to Lose Weight at Age 14

Overweight youth is a growing problem in American culture. According to Baylor Health resources, 12 percent to 18 percent of children 2 to 1...
Posted by | 13.47

Vitamins for Low Carb Diets

When implementing a low-carbohydrate diet, the body typically does not receive all the daily nutrients and minerals it needs to function pro...
Posted by | 00.24

How Much to Swim to Lose Weight

Swimming might seem the ideal exercise to shed unwanted pounds, so it may be surprising to learn what often-cited research published in the ...
Posted by | 21.35

Different Kinds of Diets

A number of diets are on the market. Many diets offer pre-packaged foods and portion control. Some diets allow you to make your own choices,...
Posted by | 06.23

How to Identify Symptoms of Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a condition of the small intestine caused by an allergy to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley grains or bypr...
Posted by | 05.44

Carnitine & Weight Loss

Carnitine (also known as L-Carnitine) is a compound that is biosynthesized from amino acids. It is considered a pseudo amino acid. Carnitine...
Posted by | 04.13

Dramatic Weight Loss Plans

Get dramatic results with a serious diet plan such as a very low calorie diet, juice fasting or a low carb, high protein diet. If you are lo...
Posted by | 00.50

How to Reduce Fibroids by Diet

Fibroids are benign growths on the wall of the uterus. The Mayo Clinic estimates that as many as 75% of women have uterine fibroids, but mos...
Posted by | 00.18

Diet for a Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalances occur when an individual's estrogen and progesterone levels are abnormal. The symptoms can mimic menopause and cause...
Posted by | 20.37