The symptoms of fatigue and weight loss in combination can indicate several diseases or problems. While weight loss through dieting can lead to fatigue, a physician should investigate any significant weight loss and fatigue that occurs without an obvious reason.
Fatigue and weight loss can indicate the presence of, among other conditions, hyperthyroidism, cancer, hypothyroidism, anemia, diabetes, depression, kidney disease, heart disease, malnutrition, substance abuse, Cushing's disease, Addison's disease and some bacterial and viral infections.
Identifying Factors
Fatigue is a feeling of extreme tiredness and lack of energy. Many illnesses and diseases can cause it. Weight loss worth investigating is any loss of 10 pounds of the usual body weight within six months with no cause such as dieting. Fatigue in combination with significant weight loss is an early warning of several medical problems.
A physician should investigate any combination of prolonged fatigue and significant weight loss. With many diseases, early detection is imperative to successful treatment. Take note of how long the fatigue and weight loss has been taking place and report this to your doctor along with any dietary or medication changes any any other symptoms.
One of the most common and simple tests to determine the cause of fatigue and weight loss is a blood test. Thyroid-level testing determines if the thyroid gland is functioning properly. Blood tests monitor the function ability of the kidneys and the liver and can determine the presence of some cancer cells. Other testing, such as ultrasounds, CT scans and MRI scans, follows up any abnormal blood tests.
Do not ignore fatigue and weight loss that continues for four months or longer. A simple trip to your physician can make the difference between treatment options should a serious disease be involved. Many times, fatigue and weight loss respond to dietary changes and vitamin supplements. Other, more serious diseases respond better when diagnosed early.
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