
Jumat, 12 September 2014

How to Truly Lose Weight Fast Effectively

How to Truly Lose Weight Fast Effectively

Every now and then, we all get a little carried away with food (or lack of exercise, for that matter) and find ourselves wanting to drop a little weight. For some people, it's an easy task, but for most people it's not. The good news here is that it's not an impossible mission. The key in losing weight effectively has to do more with devotion and determination [to the goal of losing weight] than it does with actual food. In other words, you have to stay true to your desire to maintain a good figure (meaning a figure that makes you happy, regardless of what society may think). Add this to my Recipe Box.



    Set a Goal for Yourself - This is pretty self-explanatory and straight forward. Pick a desired weight and mark it on your scale. If you don't have a scale, get yourself one. You will need it. The scale will be your guide.

    Food Pyramid

    Familiarize Yourself with the Food Pyramid - Most people know about the food pyramid, and have seen it plenty of times, but usually forget what goes where resulting in not really using it when making food decisions. What you want to do is stick very close to the Vegetable and Fruit groups. Don't wonder off above or below those groups, and make sure you don't overeat from these two groups (drink plenty of water during and between meals).


    Don't Ingest Anything Other Than - Don't ingest anything other than what's in the Vegetable and Fruit groups, period. This means no candy, no soft drinks, etc. Just eat vegetables and fruit in whatever combinations you find appealing (get creative). If you have to add any kind of dressings, you want to go with light dressings, and very little of it per serving. And again, remember to now overeat.

    Fruit Salad

    Put Your Eating Habits on a Schedule - Your should eat moderate portions every three hours or so, in order for your metabolism to run smoothly, without the body deciding to store fat (which begins to happen when you skip meals). The point is to keep your body burning what you eat continuously.


    Garnish Your Eating Habits with Some Exercise - You don't have to go to the gym every day, every other day or even once a week. In fact, you don't have to go to the gym at all. What you want to do it live an active lifestyle. Walk as much as you can. Use stairs instead of elevators. Go for a jog. Those kinds of things can be a good replacement for a gym schedule.

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