Celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive problem in which the organs of the patient are unable to absorb nutrients from the food consumed. This disease affects the lining of the small intestine causing inflammation of the villi, which are responsible for the absorption of the nutrients to the blood stream. The absorption area is thus reduced in size, which makes it difficult to absorb gluten, found in wheat, rye and barley. However, celiac disease affects people in different ways exhibiting different symptoms as per the level of malabsorption in each patient. At times, it may not show any symptom or even be manifested in the form of high sensitivity or depression.
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Determine if the person has constant or intermittent abdominal pain, combined with flatulence or a feeling of fullness or heaviness of the stomach, acidity or constipation.
2Find out if the person suffers from repeated bouts of diarrhea caused by indigestion with fat covered foul-smelling feces.
3See if the patient shows abnormal weight loss and signs of anemia such as extreme exhaustion or sudden weight gain.
4Ask if there are frequent pains or fractures in the joint, limbs and bck. There might be extreme blood loss even for a small wound. Muscle spasms may be apparent.
5Examine the person for cases of rashes over the body, blisters in the mouth and tooth problems.
6If the person is a women, she may face problems such as deficient menstruation or no menstruation, even spontaneous abortions and inability to conceive.
7Check out if children are born with very less weight and show symptoms of malnutrition such as retarded cognitive and physical growth.
8Look for symptoms such as extreme moods, anxiety, excessive irritability or temper tantrums.
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