Low-carb diets appear at first to be the best diet ever. Sure, you have to give up bread and pasta and other delicious carbs, but imagine all the dairy products and meat you can have! These enormously satisfying foods are typically restricted while dieting, but a low-carb plan allows them--in moderation. See the steps below to learn how to avoid overeating, accidental or otherwise, while enjoying the effects of a low-carb diet.
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First of all, remember why you are doing this. Are you dieting to lose weight or to maintain a healthy weight? Are you experimenting with different diets to see what suits your body and physique the best? No matter the reason, overindulgence is rarely a good thing, unless you are gorging on grains and fresh vegetables.
2Remember that too much fattening food is still fattening, even if you are on a low-carb diet. Moderation is a hard word to fit into anyone's vocabulary, but it would do good to work that one in now. Eating moderate amounts of high-fat or high-sugar foods while eating mostly healthy vegetables and grains may keep your weight where you want it to be, but beware of the temptation.
3Learn self-discipline. This step may be the most difficult for some people as it requires a change in one's worldview, not just one's eating habits. Practice with small steps like choosing low-fat cheeses instead of those rich creamy or hard cheeses that are tempting you. After you have control of your choices, you will feel twice as good about your diet and yourself.
4Determine which low-carb healthy foods you actually like and keep them around in reasonably vast quantities. Satisfying yourself with these selections while they are readily available prevents the temptation of going for the high-fat low-carb foods. Fill up on the good stuff and you won't even want the other foods.
5Practice goal-making or visualization strategies, or anything else that you find motivational. Your health is foremost in this situation and not your taste buds; figure out what works for you motivation-wise and do it. Your body will thank you for it and you will feel better, physically and emotionally, when you attain your goal of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
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