With a Gluten Allergy (also called celiac disease---often confused and misdiagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome). Each person will present differently with symptoms. How can you tell if you have a gluten allergy or plain old indigestion if everyone's symptoms differ? There are two types of Gluten allergy (celiac disease). They are latent celiac disease (usually from childhood, successfully treated) and silent celiac disease (occurs later in life, responds to treatment well).
Symptoms and Facts
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Chronic fatigue is the main symptom of celiac disease. It's more than feeling run down or not wanting to walk that daily mile. It's more like everything in life is too much an effort, such as getting up in the morning, getting dressed and eating meals.
2Not absorbing nutrients (or, malnutrition) is another sign. This one is harder to diagnose. One symptom of malnutrition is weight loss. If you're eating a well-balanced diet (from all food groups), and you're still not having the energy to do activities of daily living, t\you cpuld have celiac disease. Watch for easy bruising, caused by a lack of absorption of Vitamin K which helps in healing.
3Nerve damage (peripheral neuropathy). Tingling in the hands, feet, legs and arms due to deficiencies of Vitamins B12 and Thiamin is common. This will cause nerve damage.
4Try an Elimination Diet. Eliminate all wheat and flour products from your diet, usually for a period of six to eight weeks. Your response to the elimination diet will go a long way toward making a determination about you and celiac disease.
5Have a bowel biopsy. If that is indeterminate, then your doctor will recommend a colon biopsy. This will determine what kind of gluten sensitivity you have.
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