
Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

Quick-Start Low-Carb Diet Ideas

Motivation is a tricky thing--one moment it is present and the next it is not. Thus, when the motivation to diet strikes, it would behoove you to jump on the wagon as soon as possible and not spend endless weeks dithering in Internet research to perform due diligence. If you have decided to adopt a low-carb lifestyle, you are hardly alone--thousands have already reaped the benefits of low-carb dieting.

Begin Limiting Carbs

    To begin your low-carb diet, do not wait until tomorrow--start limiting carbs today. The best way to limit carbs is to not only set a daily limit, but to restrict unhealthy types of carbs as well. Restrict unhealthy carbs by limiting your carb intake to just fruits and vegetables. Drawing a firm line in the sand starting at the beginning of your diet will help you to achieve results that much faster.

Daily Carb Limits

    Now that you are eating nothing but fruits and veggies for your main carb sources, you will need a daily limit to shoot for to maximize your weight loss potential. The best way to judge carb tolerance is by body fat. If you are a man above 20 percent body fat or a woman above 25 percent body fat, eat no more than 30 g of carbs a day (but only from fruits and veggies). If you are a man between 15 and 20 percent body fat or a woman between 20 and 25 percent body fat, eat no more than 0.25 g of carbs per pound of body weight. If you are a man between 12 and 15 percent body fat or a woman between 17 and 20 percent body fat, eat no more than 0.35 g of carbs per pound of body weight. If you do not know your body fat levels, estimate them on the high side--it is better to be cautious than to inadvertently gain additional weight.

Increase Protein and Fiber

    Consumption of extra protein has been shown to increase satiety, or perception of fullness, among low-carb dieters. Thus, avoid hunger pangs by consuming a lean protein source with every meal. Stick to protein sources like lean meat, chicken, fish, eggs and turkey, limiting protein supplementation from powders or other unnatural products. Additionally, consumption of fibrous green veggies like broccoli, cucumber, and spinach can also increase feelings of fullness.

Avoid Faux Low-Carb Items

    Manufacturers of traditionally carb-laden products have jumped on the low-carb bandwagon by releasing supposed low-carb versions of products like bread, milk, and even cookies. You should understand, however, that these products are only "low-carb" due to manipulation of labeling standards, as many sugar alcohols can be included in a product without having to report that the product contains carbs. Even though there are no carbs on the label, these products still adversely affect blood sugar levels and can keep your body out of ketosis (fat-burning mode). Stick to healthy, natural, unprocessed foods to get the most out of your low-carb diet.


    By following the approach described here, you can begin losing a substantial amount of weight today. These steps may prove to be a radical departure from your current dietary regime, but radical change demands radical action. To take full advantage of your motivation, throw out all nonconforming foodstuffs now, filling your household with nothing but healthy items. This will reduce the likelihood of backpedaling and cheating, while providing a supportive environment conducive to extreme low-carb weight loss.

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