
Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

Gluten and Crohn's Disease

Gluten and Crohn's Disease

Although gluten concerns those with celiac disease, individuals with Crohn's disease may also be vulnerable to gluten sensitivity. According to Scott Adams of, the presence of celiac disease is high among people diagnosed with Crohn's disease.


    Fresh vegetables
    Fresh vegetables

    Because of this concern, Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona on the Healing Arts website recommends that individuals with Crohn's disease be tested for gluten sensitivity. He suggests a series of tests called the celiac panel.


    Sunflower seeds
    Sunflower seeds

    Considered an inflammatory bowel disorder, Crohn's disease presents symptoms of cramping, diarrhea, rectal bleeding and appetite loss, among others.


    Fresh fruit
    Fresh fruit

    By eliminating gluten, which is a protein in certain grains, these symptoms may be alleviated. Wheat, barley, rye and other grains contain gluten.



    When someone with gluten sensitivity eats these foods, the body responds as if the gluten was an antigen and begins an immune system attack. This weakens the intestine's ability to absorb nutrients, leaving the body malnourished.


    Brussels sprouts and nuts
    Brussels sprouts and nuts

    By following a gluten-free diet, the inflammatory process may diminish, allowing the body to receive and absorb nutrition. This would require a diet of fresh vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds and other whole foods, since much processed food contains gluten.


    Some grains that are acceptable are corn, rice and tapioca. There are many companies, mostly found in organic and natural stores, that now carry a line of gluten-free foods such as bread sticks, cookies, pasta and other items.

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