
Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2014

The 5-Factor Diet Plan

The 5-Factor diet is based entirely on the number five. On this plan, you'll eat 5 small meals every day, each meal will consist of 5 ingredients, it will take no longer than 5 minutes to prepare one of these meals (or the recipe has a few more than 5 ingredients, it should take no more than 5 minutes to prep and an additional 5 to cook) and you will follow the 5- 'fat loss' keys for a total of 5 weeks. Following this diet plan, it's also suggested to exercise 5 days per week, doing 5 targeted exercises for 5 minutes each. But don't worry; you get to cheat on Sundays.

Fat Loss Key 1: Understanding the Glycemic Index

    The first key in losing fat in this diet is known as the GI or Glycemic Index. When on the 5-Factor Diet, you will chose foods that are low on the glycemic index in order to keep blood sugar levels stable and consistent. After you've eaten something, insulin is released into your blood as energy, and it's important on this to regulate insulin levels because hunger is directly contingent on insulin. High glycemic foods are those containing refined flour (think cake, white bread, pasta, cookies), which cause a spike in your insulin output with an almost immediate drop and this these drops are dangerous because they can cause you to enter a ravenous state and overeat during your next meal.

Fat Loss Key 2: Low Calorie Foods

    Choosing low calorie foods that are high in fiber is the second key, making complex carbohydrates (whole grains such as those found in barley, quinoa, brown rice, oatmeal, etc) good choices. Many fruits, such as apples, cherries, and the infamous grapefruit are also very low on the GI and have lots of fiber.

Fat Loss Keys 3 & 4: 5 Small Meals Everyday balanced with 25 Minutes of Exercise

    Eating 5 meals every day--one every three to four hours- will keep your metabolism revved all day, and burning more calories. Exercise directly supports this program by keeping the metabolism working hard. Only 25 minutes of exercise is required per day, five days per week, in the 5-Factor Diet program.

Fat Loss Key 5: Sleep

    The fifth key is good old-fashioned R and R. Did you know your body burns calories as it sleeps? A 150 lb. adult who sleeps nine hours will burn approximately 550 calories every night. Sleep is a restorative process every body requires because hormone levels and cells regenerate and these hormones work to keep cravings in check.

Preparing a 5-Factor Meal

    Making 5-Factor meals is quite simple, really. Keep in mind the following as your goal when you devise your 5-Factor menu: low-fat protein (such as eggs, white meat, and beans), low-GI carbohydrates (such as rolled oats, whole-grain, sourdough wheat, or pumpernickel bread; virtually any vegetable save for pumpkin and parsnips; virtually any fruit except watermelon and dates), fiber, healthy fat (olive oil, for example), and a sugar free beverage (water is the best, most perfect choice).

1 komentar:

  1. With bistroMD you will know that you will not only eat tasty meals, but that every meal and every day in bistroMD's weight loss programs is balanced to bistroMD's designed nutritional platform that helps promote healthy weight loss.

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