Fat deposits itself differently in men and women. Men are more prone for fat storage in their stomachs, while women carry more fat in their hip and thigh areas. Eliminating fat from anywhere on the body, including your legs, requires a healthy diet plus an aerobic exercise routine. Reducing fat just from your problem areas is not possible, and to lose leg fat you will have to reduce fat from your entire body.
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Eat five to six small meals throughout the day instead of three large meals. Eating often keeps your metabolism burning calories and fat, and keeps food cravings at bay. Don't skip meals, and don't eat anything three hours before you go to bed, because it has a tendency to be stored as fat.
2Read food labels to find out about calories, fat and sugar content in products. Fill your fridge or pantry with vegetables, fruits, whole-grain products, fiber-rich foods, lean meats, complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fats. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, sugar, fried foods and processed foods.
3Create an exercise routine where you perform interval training three days per week. Interval training burns calories and fat faster than regular a single sustained exercise does. Walk at a comfortable, but brisk pace for up to five minutes. Accelerate to a moderate jogging pace for two to five minutes. Go back and forth between walking and jogging, or jogging and running. Aim to complete 45 minutes of physical activity per day. Add variety by riding a bike or swimming to vary the intervals and activity.
4Build muscle by engaging in a whole body weight lifting routine three days of the week. Train all parts of your body for all over fat burn. Weight training boosts your metabolism because it takes energy to do it. Therefore, you burn more calories and fat. Workout with weights on alternate days so your muscles have sufficient time to restore themselves.
5Perform lunges and/or squats to tone the legs, so that once the fat starts diminishing, tight, toned muscles will be displayed.
Lunges: Stand up straight and take a big step forward with your right leg. Keep the left leg slightly bent at the knee as you hold it up on the ball of the left foot. Lower your body straight down by bending at the knees. Avoid your right knee extending over your toes. Return to the starting position and continue to complete a set 8 to 10 repetitions before switching legs.
Squats: Place your feet wider than your shoulder width with your toes pointing slightly outward. Hold your torso erect as you lower your upper body by bending at the knees. Keep the knees from over-extending over your feet. Lower yourself as deep as you can while maintaining a straight back. Return to the starting position and squeeze the gluteous muscles for additional toning.
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