
Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013

Liver Cleanse With Lemon Juice & Olive Oil

Liver Cleanse With Lemon Juice & Olive Oil

The purpose of a liver cleanse is to remove toxins and gallstones that may be impeding your body's ability to digest food and eliminate waste properly. Cleansing is a widely accepted practice in alternative medicine to help restore your body to optimum function, boost energy levels and improve concentration. A liver cleanse consisting of olive oil and lemon juice should be done twice a year according to

Is a Cleanse Right for You?

    Check with your doctor before starting any type of cleanse, as you may have a health condition that makes cleansing dangerous. Many doctors such, as Michael Picco at the Mayo Clinic, warn of cleansing and detox diets, stating that anemia and low blood sugar are dangerous side effects. If you are healthy enough to do a cleanse, you will need to prepare your body. Getting any cavities filled and removing amalgam fillings will reduce toxicity in the mouth and ease the load on the liver. If you can do this prior to your cleanse, this will be beneficial.

Cleanse Preparation

    For three days prior to the cleanse, drink unpasteurized organic apple juice. Consume only a raw diet and keep any solid foods to a minimum. This will help soften any gall stones and reduces the bulk passing through your intestines to make the cleanse more effective.

    For the cleanse itself, it's best to choose a few days when you can relax and have time to rest afterward. Flushing toxins out of your body will take some time, and until your cleanse is complete, you may feel more lethargic and even somewhat ill with cold-like symptoms. Refrain from taking any medications unless required by your doctor.

    On the day you begin the cleanse, consume a fresh fruit breakfast and a light lunch with no fat. Cooked cereals with fruit are a good choice to increase your fiber consumption, which will help pass waste and stones out. Do not eat after 2:00 pm. Use an enema prior to 4:00 pm to stimulate the bowels.


    For the actual cleanse, mix four tablespoons of epsom salts with three quarters of a cup of cold pressed virgin olive oil. Add one quarter cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice and half a cup of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice to the mixture. Shake well and consume this four times a day. You will consume this several times prior to bed and again in the morning. Sleep with your knees elevated. In the morning you should expect diarrhea. Be sure to get a lot of rest.

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